The Ashburton Singers…

Future Concerts

Spring Concert

Ashburton Singers Spring Concert

Date: Saturday 5th April 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm

Venue: St Lawrence Chapel, Ashburton, TQ13 7DD

The Ashburton Singers are preparing a varied and evocative selection of songs to herald the arrival of Spring.  The choir will be joined by pianist Matt Davies for “The Sprig of Thyme” John Rutter’s setting of eleven folksongs from the British Isles, spanning a range of themes from love to soldiering, the sea, nature and of course the lullaby.

Georgia, situated on the border of Europe and Asia, is widely known for its rich and still vibrant tradition of folk music.  Georgian songs, usually sung in three parts, are highly distinctive and rarely fail to move.  The choir sings two Gazapkhuli songs celebrating Spring, “so tender, beautiful as a diamond”.

Also on the programme are Runic wedding songs from Estonia by Veljo Tormis, Roger Quilter’s nostalgic setting of Robert Herrick’s “To Daffodils” and other beautiful part-songs featuring the sounds and sights of spring.

Free Admission with Retiring Collection